Wednesday, February 27, 2008

computer is broke again damn it

but don't worry, super-dad's on the case.
"uhh, I don't know what's wrong with it, so let me just upgrade it and we'll call it your birthday."

sounds good to me!
however, reguardless of how that turns out, it means that my album is going to be delayed even more....oh well.

I had a job interview today,(for a different position within the same company) and I kicked it's ass!
I'm almost 100% positive I got it. I should be able to go permanant if this is the case.
just incase some of you are not tuned in:
permanant status= morgage
morgage= backyard for judah/studio


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

nother dream....not so entertaining

ok so I had several dreams last night, one where my dad/family had moved into a shitty, but unusually large apt, that was right next to a busy highway. For some reason, my mom and sister was also pregnant, and dad had built this weird playhouse on the "backporch" of the apt. That one was batshit crazy.

The next one is a little fuzzy but involves me as a caddy for some important scientist. he wants to stop by the side of this lake (we were in a sports car driving somewhere) and drive some golf balls into the lake. as he's doing this, some woman walks out of the lake (and for some reason we come to this conclusion that she's an alien) but prior to this I'm hanging out at some facility and alot of straaange things are going on. (windows being bolted shut, people acting bizarre)
that's all I remember. the dream kinda feels like half-life, but BEFORE everything just goes to hell. oh and weather was sunny and windy, so a little creepy there as well.

there may have been a third dream but I can't remember it.

Monday, February 4, 2008

nother dream + haiku

I see no beauty
in vain senseless destruction
suck a nut, rock star.

yeah I wrote that about 5 seconds ago. thought it was pretty good.


me and janette were in a huge parking garage. I don't think she was pregnant, because it was a non-linear dream. Like a Gi-joe cartoon, where the characters are just there, with no effect from previous stories. But yeah the parking garage/abandoned mall was really creepy. there was a vagrant about somewhere but he posed no serious threat, but it was dark and we wanted the hell out of there. creepy as hell. I think we were on the roof of said parking garage at one point. the sky was dark gray. very concrete. brown concrete. I find some kind of exit and the stairs suddenly get super steep and drop straight down into some bushes. the first thing I see to my left is a police station. like the one you might see in batman or dicktracy. We walk along and the buildings are so close together and so tall you can't see the sky. there may have been overhangs preventing this. eventually it turns into kind of shopping mall? there are all these stores, and among them are some bars. the bars are filty, but most surfaces seem to be covered in rinstones or mirrors. lots of smoke and red lights. one of the patrons has a old almost 50's looking suit, and it's dark green (what you can see of it is green, most of it is covered in rhinestones. He's a swarthy middle-aged black man. eventually the mood lightens and it just looks like a damn shopping mall. There is a glut of product. stacked 12 ft even. like kbs at christmas.

dystopian mostly. colors were dark/realistic.