Tuesday, August 26, 2008

me and lil' matt started a band called freddy cougar . I play a heavily mod'd bass and he plays drums.
HIS UNCLE IS A PASTOR AT A CHURCH, AND THEY HAVE A MUSIC BASEMENT!!!!! WE MIGHT EVEN BE ABLE TO PRACTICE AS MUCH AS TWICE A WEEK! so that's good. rehersal space is hard to find. seriously. like hard. like bob dole boner hard.

I posted this to em411:
I'm tired of this (electronic music). I'm getting no-where, not enough people care, I'm having too much trouble playing live, can't find the money to do a proper release. I'm tired of doing so much fiddley work. and I'm getting into one of those "uninspired" cycles. so I quit. so there. no more electronic music (for a while anyways)

No, I'm not really "quiting", I'm not selling everything and buying fishing poles and booze. (besides, I only fish with a cain pole and crickets) I'm definitely not quitting music. Ironically enough, I just got moved into my house and now I have an honest-to-god studio! let me tell you about my latest musical project.........I've dusted off my bass guitar, taken the low-string off, moved the rest of the strings down to where the high string was missing, and replaced it with a banjo string. then I tuned the thing to 5ths (E B C# F# I think?) I'm looking to procure these pedals : digitech whammy, boss super overdrive, and the boss oc-2 (octave pedal) basically I'm copying brian gibson's (lightning bolt) setup. I'm gonna run all that through a 60 w keyboard amp and the biggest bass amp I can get my hands on. I'm also looking for a drummer.( I know quite a few, so this shouldn't be a huge problem) Musically, I'm aiming for something between lightningbolt and death from above, but i'm pretty sure It will end up sounding like ween. (which is cool with me)
Working with an alternate tuning is alot like learning to play again... it's exciting!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

politics in summary

it affects his allergies so bad.

people yelling.


they're like the Europeans of North America.