Sunday, January 27, 2008

I wonder

how many high-school marching band kids' screen name is


think about that one.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I feel like everyone wants something from me today, and I'm getting nothing in return.

fuck that shit.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

it astounds me

how frequant the people that can afford these stupid phones, are both fairly incompitent and lazy.

Friday, January 18, 2008

dream log,morning of 1.17.08

vaguely remember. no real plot, but I was in some sort of fantasy south American Mayan semi-jungle place. the dream was conveyed through various P.OV.'S of old video games. some times a text adventure with vga pics, sometimes a pixel-ated commodore 64 adventure game, sometimes an early PC 3d adventure game; well, most of the time. I was hunting for treasure in various ruins. I found some big secret and then all the tribes people kept killing me over and over (it was a video game-thing I think) had a weird Mayan jungle vibe to the whole thing, but everything seemed to take place on a vast plain.
everything had traces of neon colors around all the edges.

a couple nights before, I was in a weird forign owned convieniance store. I was marinadeing some chicken in crappy r&b albums (which looked like metalic coffee bags filled with cola. then, I thought, "shit, I could have just used some cola insted of spending 17 dollars on shitty r&b albums."

so yeah, I need to try to remember my dreams better, so here goes

Wednesday, January 2, 2008