I'm really not sure if this store thing is going to work, and it's pretty scary. the biggest hurdle that I can Imagine is being able to obtain enough merch to make a living off of. most items I purchase go for anywhere from 2x to 4x of what I paid for it, but some items I'm able to sell for ten-fold.
I spent about 100 today on merch (excluding the microwave) which means roughly 300$ profit.
Because we'll need to do about 75$ avg net profit daily in order to pay all our bills, that makes me worried.
but then again, consignment pieces will help alot as well as the multitude of records. I know we're getting good exposure through word of mouth (verify'd through multiple sources) and the flyers are...well, flying out of the places I've left them.
I just don't know...I'm just so tired of doing set-up stuff... I feel burned out... I'm pretty sure I'm gonna just hand the reins to Janette for this week. She's just so much better with subtle/asthetic stuff.
also, something that will help me alot is people coming to my store to sell stuff to me....that would be awesome.
I think it's very possible for this to be me and my family's "meal ticket"... It's just that certain puzzle pieces are ALMOST missing....or perhaps ever so slightly out of reach.
I'm pretty sure I'm just burned out right now.